Building Better Life Habits
It is so easy to fall into the same habits and not even realize it’s happening time and time again. Unless, we’re just ignoring the signs because we’re not ready for a change. I don’t know about you but I am ready for a different outcome from my 2024 and that means changing up my daily habits. Small habits are the ones that often lead us to big results. Are you ready for different results? If so keep reading and if your not… why do you want to be in the same position you were in last year?
Here are 4 habits I want to share with you, that I am leaving in 2024. Maybe you’ll find that you also have a few of the same habits as myself, and want to change things up too.
Inconsistency . I don’t like being disappointed by other people, so why do I like disappointing myself? I really don’t, which is why I need to fix my habit of inconsistency. Whenever someone lets us down we lose trust in them, we start thinking well they didn’t keep their word the first time… why would they keep it the next time? Have you ever stopped and thought, that those same thoughts that we think of others, we start thinking of ourselves! That’s insane, I don’t want to let myself down. I’m sure you don’t want that feeling either. I want to make sure if no one else will do something, that I owe it to myself, to follow through on my own word. Which is why no matter how big or small of the task, I’m going to make sure I stick to the things I said I would do. I am going to make sure I get it done instead of procrastinating and waiting until the last minute to get whatever it is handled. Which ends up feeling like a ball of anxiety and unneeded stress.( I’m sure you know what feeling I’m talking about) Instead I will break the tasks down into something more manageable and give myself more realistic deadlines to improve my productivity but also my sanity.
Sleeping In. I know you’ve heard the saying, “Early bird, gets the worm”. I mean who said that anyway? If you know tell me in the comments, I’m trying to work on remembering a few scriptures but also quotes I can relate to my life in some way. You’re probably like me and have at least 4 different alarm times set in your phone, to tell you to get up. If you’re not a multiple alarm type of girl, you must think you’re a perfect patty… only waking up with one alarm! I would say I’m a morning person, especially if you attach a vacation to it. Lack of sleep affects your mood, cognitive function and overall health. I’m going to prioritize going to sleep by 10:30 and getting up by 6am. Getting at least 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night will not only improve our physical health but also our mental well being. We all could use more beauty sleep.
Skipping Meals. As a beauty professional it is so easy for me to neglect my self. Having a set time put aside, even on busy work days will not only make me feel at my best throughout the day but also keep my mind sharp. I’m sure your like me and sometimes skip out on meals, but the key to being the person you really want to be is starting with making sure to get balanced meals all throughout the day. A quick breakfast, a simple lunch and a bomb dinner will keep us feeling our best. If you need recipe ideas, here are a few from my Pinterest board that I have tried myself that I love and repeat every so often. I’ve realized long ago that skipping meals and having a poor diet can lead to less energy throughout my day and sometimes even mood swings. I’ll be making sure I up my fruit intake and aim for more balanced meals throughout my day. What are some snacks you like to eat throughout a busy day?
Neglecting Self-Care. No more skipping my self-care routines, I hope that you haven’t been skipping out on yours too. We will start making time for activities that promote relaxation and well-being, such as exercise, reading, or meditation. We need those small daily habits in our lives to help us be the best versions of ourselves that we can be.
By avoiding these habits, I’ll be able to foster a healthier mindset and create a more fulfilling year ahead. Although these habits are small, they’ll lead to great results, especially when we are more intentional about our time. What are some habits and routines you’ll be leaving in last year? Tell me in the comments below, so I know you stopped by! Thanks for joining me on the blog!
Decided to take a Pilates class! Can’t wait to do it again.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them”
Matthew 18:20 NIV