Nail Tech Things To Know

Only 4 years ago I was doing nails from home! Looking back I was in a place of comfort. I was able to skip paying overhead such as utilities and rent and I knew that any money I made all belonged to me. If I could change something that brought me to where I am now, I wouldn’t change a single second so keep reading to find out why.

Be Uncomfortable

When I started out doing nails from home I had no idea that if I stayed in that same space I would be holding myself back. Honestly no matter where you are in your nail/beauty career just do what’s best for you. At that time in my life I was doing what I loved with the little that I did have at the time. Until state board eventually came knocking at my door, but that’s a story for another time.

Starting off in my moms living room, which then led to a space in the basement meant I was working rent free. The ladies were rolling in one after another. You might find that working in your home is your only option, which is totally ok! Don’t let anyone tell you any different.

Here are a few tips to help you navigate your beauty journey, but also give you the confidence and advice you were looking for. We all start somewhere, as long as were not staying in the same place but we’re moving forward.

  • Laziness: Dont let working from home stop you from showing up as the true “professional” you are. Be sure you still look presentable, get dressed look decent and keep a clean space.

  • Customer Service: Service providers who work from home already get a bad rep. Making sure your always on your A game is a MUST! The best nail techs know that, the same respect you want your clients to give to you, is the same respect you should be putting out as well.

  • Online Booking: Set a booking site up, clients love to see available days/times. This also helps you see what your schedule will look like and where you can pencil in a lunch break. These sites send out confirmation texts/emails that way you don’t have to. Work Smarter not harder.

  • Presentation: I had people sitting on the floor, as I did their nails on a stool…Please take this advice to make sure your set up is not something you just threw together in the matter of seconds. (It makes a difference) Make a space in your home for your clients, separate from where you’re usually at. Set it up as you would, if you weren’t at home and add some minor details to make it feel welcoming.

  • Details Matter: This is the no judge zone, but keep in mind if you want someone to come back take a look at what they would see if they sat in your chair. Being at home instead of in a studio space can definitely make it easier to forget the minor details such as not tidying up or that horrible smell the garbage has as soon as you walk in the door. If you want your clients to come back and also feel welcomed in your space be sure to keep that in mind. Small things such as making sure your phone is on vibrate or letting them know in advance where its best to park all help with the clients experience, which keeps them coming back for more.

The journey is the most important part of your story. It doesn’t matter that your space isn’t the prettiest or that you don’t have very many supplies to work with. It’s okay to work with what you have in the mean time and keep rolling. Your success and journey won’t look similar to anyone else. Keep showing up and being the best version of you no matter where you are in your journey.

If this was a message you needed to hear or just something you enjoyed leave a comment below so I know you stopped by and also share it with a friend. Also don’t forget you have a chance to win a gift card by commenting on my blog and showing love each month one winner will be picked the second Tuesday of the following month<3 Goodluck and chat with you soon Queen!

Brionna Moore

Hey! My name is Brionna Moore, I’m a wife, mom, and creative who loves to serve others. Things I love include taking vacations with my family, doing nails, blogging, going to the gym and reading. My nail studio is home to over 50+ women and my email list is loving on over 600+ subscribers. I’ve been featured on multiple podcast and also published in Nail Pro Magazine and Glamour. My purpose is to inspire women who love a good adventure through sharing my nail journey and show the nail enthusiasts how to live life with passion and purpose.

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