Shop My Favorites


Shop my feed, by clicking the image it’ll automatically take you to my LTK shop. You’ll then be taken to a page with affiliate linked sources, where available! This does not require you to be signed up for LikeToKnowIt! I do earn a small commission through my links and if your shopping them, thank you in advance.

For reference my sizing info: I am 5’6 I am a size 4-6, small/medium.

About My Faves.

I always say sharing is caring which is why I love having a home base of all of my favorite things! From the clothes I’m wearing to my favorite products I use everyday, whether its everyday stuff or nail related. I truly enjoy these things and although I do receive an affiliate commission when you shop my links, I post about them because they’re everyday things I use throughout my life that I enjoy using that a brand isn’t paying me to talk about. If you shop my links, thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Favorite Nail Bits


Gel Polish PLA