Brand Gifting:To Charge or Not?

A brand reached out to you and wants to collaborate, but you’re unsure if you should be charging or not!? I get it I’ve been there too! So, here is some advice.

Should you be giving away free promo and just take the gift or should you be sending over your rates? Honestly its personal preference depending on the agreement you and the brand have arranged. I personally have charged a fee but, I take it case by case.

When should you charge?

  • If you have confidence you can provide the quality of work the brand is looking for.

  • You don’t need the free product because it’ll just collect dust.

  • If it’s taking up valuable free time. Time Is Money…

  • When you feel like your time and effort is worth compensation

The size of your audience, your level of influence and also the amount of work required will all help determine what your rate should be if you decide to charge.

It’s great to already be on the same page as the brand that is wanting to work with you. Communication is key, see what they are looking for from you…

  • Do they have a date they need the post by?

  • Is the post in exchange for free product as compensation

  • Are they looking to work on future projects with you?

  • Do they align with your brand?

So many things will play a part when you’re navigating the life of working with brands. Keep in mind they are human too and also it’s important to understand that ultimately you’re entering into a contract with a brand so in the end be sure you’re not doing it just for the money. The money will come in due time, trust me! It’s exciting when a brand reaches out, but be sure you’re working with these brands with purpose and not just for profit.

I hope I was able to give you a little insight on whether or not you should be charging a brand when they reach out to you to work together. It’s a partnership and communication will take you very far, if this article helped ease your mind be sure to comment below and let’s chat!

Brionna Moore

Hey! My name is Brionna Moore, I’m a wife, mom, and creative who loves to serve others. Things I love include taking insane vacations with my family, doing nails, blogging, going to the gym and reading. My nail studio is home to over 50+ women and my email list is loving on over 600+ subscribers. I’ve been featured on multiple podcast and also published in Nail Pro Magazines 30 Under 30. My purpose is to inspire women who love a good adventure through my nail art and nail journey and show the under represented what it looks like to live a soft life.

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