Brionna Moore

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Discovering Toronto: A First timers Guide To The City

Toronto is basically my second home and I’m sure you’re wondering what is so special about it? I guess I should mention, that the Canadian border is only 3 hours away from Pennsylvania! Easy to get to and from where I live, so why wouldn’t my family and I dip out and take a trip. 😃

I’ll keep this short, sweet and straight to the point of recommendations of fun things to do and places to eat, so you can start planning your next trip to Canada☺️

I’ll cover things I’ve done, my favorites places to dine and places to stay!

What to do: The Ripley’s Aquarium; The Bubble(bring your comfy clothes); The CNN Tower: Have dinner while rotating in the sky ; Toronto Sign(Grab a great flick for the gram); Toy’s R Us(Let your inner child feel the need to step into all the nostalgic vibes)

Niagara Falls on the Canadian side is also a fun time, I highly recommend with or without your kid(s)

Good Vibes: Hemisphere, Zika 🍃 (IYKYK)

Fave Food Spots: The Keg; Kelseys; Chop; Eggstatic; School Resto; Mildreds; Pür & Simple; 1 Kitchen; Scuddabush; Old School.

These food spots may be a little pricier than what your normally use to but the food speaks for Itself:) If you want details on my exact dishes at these spots let me know in the comments.

My Top 3 Favorites:

  • Chop

  • Eggstatic

  • Pür & Simple

Places To Stay: Sheraton Falls View-Marriot; Delta Hotels by Marriot

What You need to visit: Passport

I have your trip already mapped out for you, all you need now is to pick a date. Is Toronto on your bucket list? If so make sure you come back and tell me what food places you checked off of your list while you visited! If Toronto isn’t on your bucket list, I’m sure this will make you feel like you need to plan your next visit there soon.