Giving Up Nails

I was working from home and was reported to state board after only 3 months in my new nail space. The moment State Board knocked on my door is the moment my life changed forever. I bet you weren’t expecting that but that is what actually happened to me back in 2018. The same week I was reported there was also a burglary at our home. I still can remember that week like it just happened. I felt so violated and uncomfortable in a place that is so sacred and suppose to be safe.

In our most trying moments, we have to remember that God will never give us more than we can handle and although I was robbed of my hard earned money and a few items, those things could be replaced. I knew in those moments my family and I were safe and that I still had my talent to take me places only God knew was possible.

Ready to find out more about the time I almost gave up nails? Then keep reading to find out more.

The Perfect Space

We just moved into our new home and three months later is when it all happened. It took me only 7 days to find the perfect space to finally bring Nails Down Under from out of the basement, to an actual store front. Which is where I got the name Nails Down Under. I started my nail journey in my moms basement of my sophomore year in college. From there we’ve come a very long way.

I had a vision on what I wanted my space to look and feel like. I wanted it to feel welcoming and also warm but pretty. I knew I didn’t need a huge space because I work by appointment only. After driving around and finding the perfect space I placed my deposit down and 3 months later I officially opened NDU for business to the public. It was truly the greatest blessing in disguise for my family and business.

Road Blocks

My nail journey wasn’t a straight path to get where I am and it took a few road blocks for me to find my lane and stand out. Living in a small town and running a business is a huge advantage but I won’t say there hasn’t been many challenges along the way. What matters is how you adapt and work through the road blocks that life may seem to put in your way. Its the universes way of saying, how hard do you want something and how far you will go to get it?

I didn’t take State Board coming to my home as a negative instead I made it into something positive. It forced my hand to find a space and open up my business from my home to an actual place people could stop past if they drove by finding me right from google. Which in the end turned into another client.

What Success Looks Like

What will you do when the universe sends a test to stop you from telling your testimony? Will you continue to push through or will you stop with the knock at the door. Giving Up Nails was Never an option for me just like whatever it is that you feel may be holding you back, don’t let it have that power over you. Everyones path to their success will be different, so never think your success will look like someone else’s.

If you like this article then I know you will like so many more. Drop a comment below and tell me a road block you have faced in your life and also comment so I know you stopped by and to be entered into a chance to win a $20 gift card to one of my favorite stores sent to the winner via email for loving on my blog.

Brionna Moore

Hey! My name is Brionna Moore, I’m a wife, mom, and creative who loves to serve others. Things I love include taking insane vacations with my family, doing nails, blogging, going to the gym and reading. My nail studio is home to over 50+ women and my email list is loving on over 600+ subscribers. I’ve been featured on multiple podcast and also published in Nail Pro Magazines 30 Under 30. My purpose is to inspire women who love a good adventure through my nail art and nail journey and show the under represented what it looks like to live a soft life.

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