Brionna Moore

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Disney Cruise Travel Tips

I am definitely that mom that pre-plans outfits, ideas and things we may need to make sure I’m fully prepared for our trip. Especially when it comes to Disney, I don’t want my girl feeling left out. Here are all of the reasons why you and your family should all go on a Disney Cruise. Here is our experience with the Disney Cruise line as we sailed on the Disney Dream Halloween on the seas!

The Food

I am giving all of my food a solid 10/10. I love all things seafood and I basically ate it everyday! I had Scallops, Shrimp,Salmon, Tuna Steak, Lobster and Crab. Mind you that was all included in the dinner and you could order however much you wanted and trust me some nights I didn’t pass on that offer because I wanted to make sure I tried everything. The desserts weren’t my fave unless they had creme brûlée, that’s a dessert I’ll never pass on unless they serve it cold.

The topping was good but they served it cold….

The Comfy Bed

I slept like a baby besides the night I woke up sea sick. I brought dramamine because my daughter normally gets sick, thankfully I was being prepared and had it on hand to take when the waves from the ocean got unbearable for my stomach to handle. Don’t let motion sickness stop you from cruising. I never have gotten sick while cruising before but the crew told us the waters to Bermuda can be choppy. Our room was able to sleep 4 comfortably. My husband and I slept in the full size bed and my daughter and cousin slept on the bunk beds that pulled down from the ceiling at night, which the crew got ready for us while we were gone at dinner. My daughter loved the bed flipping and the towel character animals they left with chocolates every night. They even decorated her room for her birthday which was an additional add on not included in the total cost of your cruise.

On Board Activities

The activities on the cruise were endless! It’s been a minute since we went to the movies as a family so we took advantage of the movies playing and also the live broadway type shows they put on which were phenomenal. I wish we made time to see at least 1 more show. So be sure you don’t miss out and watch at least 2 shows. We attended a huge Bingo on the ship worth $5K and trust me the room was filled! This activity wasn’t included in the cruise pricing but it was fun to attend and I’m sure its not often you attend a Disney Bingo. How much do you actually know about Disney? I thought I knew so much until I attended a Disney trivia and thankfully my 9 year old knew a little more than I thought she did, but I must admit my entire family needs to brush up on their Disney knowledge for the next time we attend a Disney trivia. While you’re on the cruise their is an app you can use to help you navigate your time and activities while onboard.

You can also communicate in the app with whoever is in your cabin and also anyone you meet onboard the ship you would like to keep in touch with if you don’t plan on purchasing the cruises internet package which was pretty pricey depending on what you needed it for $42 a day to use TikTok! I soaked in all of the good quality family time. The app was great to have to allow us all to see the onboard activities from a ship map, activities, meals and so much more!

Customer service

How special is it to be announced as your entering the ship with your family. As you enter on the cruise the Disney staff awaits you and announces your name so everyone welcomes you with a royal welcoming onto their fleet. The staff was so helpful and so was everyone to our room staff and our waiters who followed us no matter which restaurant we were at that day. Disney always has done an exceptional job at customer service whether your on the phone, at parks or on the cruise. They truly help you Be their Guest.

Worth The Hype

I’m sure your wondering is the Disney Cruiseline worth the hype? Absolutely! I in no way receive any commission for my blogs or obsessing over Disney. I knew this was a trip we would all remember for the years to come. We wanted Lorren to experience cruising again and we helped her cruise into another birthday the right way. If you or a friend plans on cruising with Disney I also recommend joining the cruises facebook page to see what other families are chatting about and to also hear about Pixie Dusting.

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