Brionna Moore

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Balancing Act: Tips for Achieving Work-Life Harmony

I always hear the phrase “work, life, balance”  and trust me as easy as I make it look that’s not it at all. 😅 Sometimes life gets hectic, but it’s how we handle those moments.

I’m a mom, wife, blogger, business owner, nail artist, friend, daughter, sister, aunt, I mean as you can see the list goes on! 😂 

I’ve learned to give myself grace and forget about the balance! Listen up 👂 for something to have balance it must be equal parts. How is it possible to have balance when some things we have responsibilities of doing, require a different weight of our time? Which is where, giving yourself grace steps in.

I write a list of goals I want to achieve for the week, the day and even the next few months and I concentrate on one area at a time until I cross it off my list. I don’t worry about the timing of the world because truly everything is in Gods timing. Even if that means I don’t have something, it’s not my time yet.

My priorities will be different then yours of course, so navigate life the way you see fit for you. My Family is my main priority, everything I do I make sure I keep them and their needs first. Everything else in my life I make sure I set realistic expectations for myself, avoid to over committing to things and also saying no when it’s necessary. There is no rule book to life, I mean there is if you’re following the Bible but you know what I mean.

Live your life the way you see fit and remember to prioritize self care such as exercise, hobbies, and relaxation. Feed your spirit lots of love, read books to expand your mind and visit new places to excite your soul. Let today be the day you take control of what life will look like to you.

I hope this article was confirmation for you to:

  • Prioritize by putting yourself first

  • Realize you are not alone(I know sometimes we may feel this way)

  • Write out 1 new goal (start small first, don’t apply too much pressure)