Redefining Yourself

Imagine you wake up one day and feel you’re ready for a change. It could be any change, big or small. What is stopping you from making that change? Is it a change that could take some time to make happen or is it you? Don’t be someone who gets in your own way. Confused on what I mean, then keep reading and I’ll tell you. If you’re here that means we’re friends, so let’s have a heart to heart.

Keep reading to find out…

How To Overcome Self Doubt

There are times we feel we are so ready to change something about our lives. Many times the one thing stopping us from making that change for the better is ourselves. We overthink the issue and make it out to be more than what it is. You can’t be the best version of yourself if you’re constantly making excuses as to why you haven’t moved forward of doing better for ourselves because we’re also too worried about what others may think or how they feel.

Start Making Positive Changes In Your Life

Who cares what anyone thinks of us. The opinions of others truly don’t matter. Easier said than done I know, but you seriously must be surfing the web too much, absorbed in the fake realities that everyone shows on the daily.

Here is how I redefined the woman I wanted to be in just 6 months!

  • The Gym 3-4 days a week

  • My Diet: I’m a pescatarian

  • Spiritual: Church & Bible study

  • Journaling

  • Music; I listen to mainly christian R&B and Hiphop

    (Ask Me for my playlist)

  • Preparation; writing out my goals and vision board

So it all started at the end of the year last year, when I was mentally prepared to take a new step into this thing called life. I told my husband I’m building the gym into my schedule, journaling and prayer are a constant that I have on a routine and I want to be able to inspire woman who not only look like me but can relate to me in some way. Whether its through my fitness journey, spiritual or my passions.

Starting January is when I began my health journey consistently. I will admit the first step to wanting to redefine yourself is being consistent! If this was so easy to do, everyone you know would always be the best versions of themselves that they wanted to be. But we all have struggles and its ok to admit it.

The Power Of Showing Up For Yourself

The moment I started to show up for myself, I seen a change right before my eyes. I believe this change happens internally and then leads to external results. You have to want the change so bad that you make room for the growth that is about to happen before it even arrives, because Faith without work is Dead.

If this inspired you to want to redefine yourself, its never to late. Also don’t forget to leave me a comment so I know you stopped by, plus each month I will pick 1 winner, selected from the blog comments and across checking that you’ve joined my email list to win a $10 gift card from me for hanging out on the blog:) Winner will be contacted on the first Tuesday of every month by email.

Brionna Moore

Hey! My name is Brionna Moore, I’m a wife, mom, and creative who loves to serve others. Things I love include taking insane vacations with my family, doing nails, blogging, going to the gym and reading. My nail studio is home to over 50+ women and my email list is loving on over 600+ subscribers. I’ve been featured on multiple podcast and also published in Nail Pro Magazines 30 Under 30. My purpose is to inspire women who love a good adventure through my nail art and nail journey and show the under represented what it looks like to live a soft life.

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