Traveling With Kids

My daughter is a frequent flyer, not only does she have her own passport she even has the stamps to go along with it! I mean why would you want it collecting dust? Traveling with your kids is such an experience, but I’m sure for some it could also be a nightmare lol

When it comes to traveling with a kid I’m pretty sure I always leave home forgetting at least 1 thing! It happens, no ones memory is perfect…trust me it’s not my age. Lol Which is why I wanted to give you 3 things we Never travel home without.

  1. First Aid kit is a MUST! Boo-boos happen anywhere and anytime and us parents need to stay prepared for those moments. Better safe than sorry.

  2. Electronic Device and Charger unless you want your phone battery drained before you get to your destination, I highly suggest not to forget this trusty device that keeps the kids busy.(It really comes in handy during check-in. Once we waited 2 hours to check in!)

  3. A Reminder Of Home we know traveling can get stressful. Which is why we never leave home without a stuffed animal for comfort or a small blanket. Remember it’s the little things that matter in those moments.

Whether you’re traveling up the road for a quick trip to see family, or taking a chill vacation to the beach it’s inevitable to leave home without forgetting something. Vacations are about fun and relaxation, so don’t overwhelm yourself by overpacking. One thing I always do before a vacation is start putting my stuff together 2 weeks before vacation is here…I know that’s a little much, but it’s how I stay ahead of the game.

Obviously you must be headed somewhere or plan to, if so tell me where your headed below! My family and I love to stay on the move and have a vacation to look forward to which is why we’re always planning where to go next as soon as we get home. Whether your headed for a quick getaway or a week long vacation, remember there are stores around and if you ever forget something budget a few extra bucks for items you forgot. Also remember to have fun and relax!

Curious on what else I pack… Ask away below:)

Don’t Forget The Swimwear


Don’t Forget The Swimwear -

Brionna Moore

Hey! My name is Brionna Moore, I’m a wife, mom, and creative who loves to serve others. Things I love include taking insane vacations with my family, doing nails, blogging, going to the gym and reading. My nail studio is home to over 50+ women and my email list is loving on over 600+ subscribers. I’ve been featured on multiple podcast and also published in Nail Pro Magazines 30 Under 30. My purpose is to inspire women who love a good adventure through my nail art and nail journey and show the under represented what it looks like to live a soft life.

Redefining Yourself


Beauty Travel Checklist